📄️ Weather data using HTTP Agent
This tutorial explains how to connect to the Open Weather Map API using the Http Agent and is based on the basic environment described in the quick start.
📄️ Connect your MQTT Client
In this tutorial we will use the MQTT API to subscribe to changes of asset attributes values and publish data to them from a MQTT Client. The OpenRemote Manager functions as the MQTT Broker. You can use a desktop MQTT client (e.g. MQTT Explorer or MQTT X) for this tutorial, or better yet the device you want to connect.
📄️ ChirpStack LoRaWAN Integration
ChirpStack is an open source LoRaWAN network server stack. This tutorial explains how to receive LoRaWAN sensor data via ChirpStack using the MQTT Agent. The tutorial is based on the Dragino LHT65 LoRaWAN sensor device as an example.
📄️ Celsius to Fahrenheit with Flow
An example for converting an attribute value, using the Flow editor is the conversion from temperature Celsius into Fahrenheit.
📄️ Configure mobile app behaviour
📄️ Simulating data in attribute
If you don't have a data connection running yet or want to simulate the behaviour of an attribute, you can use the Simulator Agent to replay data. To do that, take the following steps: