Manager APIs
The OpenRemote Manager API is composed of the following APIs, each API requires authentication (with the exception of read
of public asset
see Asset security).
To be able to authenticate you'll need to create a service user using the Manager UI (must be logged in as super user to access this functionality), please refer to the Manager UI user guide; access tokens can be obtained from the token endpoint using standard OAuth 2.0 techniques.
- OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint:
- Regular user supported grant type(s):
- Service user supported grant type(s):
This is the traditional request response API which is documented in the REST API chapter.
Live documentation is also available via Swagger UI (see /swagger/
URL of your manager) or you can look at the demo environment Swagger UI.
Authentication is done using standard Authorization
header bearer token where the token is a valid access token obtained from the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint.
- Base URL:
- Authorization Header:
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
WS (WebSocket) API
This is a publish subscribe API that is event based, where events are of type SharedEvent. Authentication is done using Authorization
query parameter with a valid access token obtained from the token endpoint. The realm of the authenticating user must also be included as an Realm
query parameter.
- URL:
A subscription is created by sending an EventSubscription as JSON
prefixed with SUBSCRIBE:
. When a subscribe message is sent then the server will determine if the requesting user is authorised to make such a subscription and if so then the manager will reply with the same subscription JSON
object but prefixed with SUBSCRIBED:
, if the user is not authorised then the subscription JSON
object will be returned but prefixed with UNAUTHORIZED:
When an event occurs in the manager that matches an existing subscription then a TriggeredEventSubscription as JSON
prefixed with TRIGGERED:
will be sent to the client.
AttributeEvents can be published and you can wait for the change to take place and an AttributeEvent to be returned when the attribute does get updated.
It is also possible to emulate the request response nature of the HTTP API in order to read data using the WebSocket API by sending an EventRequestResponseWrapper as JSON
prefixed with REQUESTRESPONSE:
, the messageId
is used to allow the client to associate the request message with the response message. This request response emulation is useful for example to read an asset.
For more details on the structure of messages please refer to the Javadoc of each object type for detailed information.
Another publish subscribe API, authentication requires a 'Service user' username and secret and is done using standard MQTT
username and password mechanism, to connect to the broker:
- Host: Host of the manager (e.g.
) - Port: 8883 (if running with SSL i.e. the standard stack with reverse SSL proxy) 1883 (if running without SSL proxy)
- Encryption/TLS: true (port 8883) false (port 1883)
- Username:
- Password:
- ClientId: anything you like (but don't use the same ClientId more than once)
- To create a username and secret be aware that you need to create a 'Service user' (not a regular user).
- It's important that the
in the following topics matches the one in the MQTT credentials.
It is possible to subscribe to these events using the topic format:
- All asset events in the realm{realm}/{clientId}/asset/+
- All asset events for direct children of the realm{realm}/{clientId}/asset/{assetId}
- All asset events for the specified asset{realm}/{clientId}/asset/{assetId}/#
- All asset events for descendants of the specified asset{realm}/{clientId}/asset/{assetId}/+
- All asset events for direct children of the specified asset
It is possible to subscribe to these events using the topic format:
- All attribute events in the realm{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/+/+
- All attribute events for direct children of the realm{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/+/{assetId}
- All attribute events for specified asset{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/#
- All attribute events for specified attribute name{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/+
- All attribute events for direct child assets of the realm with specified attribute name{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/{assetId}
- All attribute events for specified asset with specified attribute name{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/{assetId}/#
- All attribute events for descendants of the specified asset with specified attribute name{realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/{assetId}/+
- All attribute events for direct children of the specified asset with specified attribute name
topic prefix can be used in place of attribute
to only return the value of the AttributeEvent rather than the entire event.
It is possible to publish attribute events to specific assets using the following topics and payload:
- Payload:JSON
of attribute value{realm}/{clientId}/writeattribute/{attributeName}/{assetId}
- Payload:{"value": <VALUE>, "timestamp": <TIMESTAMP>}
of attribute value and<TIMESTAMP>
is timestamp of event in epoch milliseconds
Last will publishing
Clients can configure a last will topic and payload as defined in the MQTT specification; the topic and payload can use the standard attribute publish topic/payload so it is possible to update an attribute when the client connection is closed un-expectedly; the client must have permission to access the specified attribute.
MQTT custom handlers
It is possible to inject custom handlers for MQTT messages by implementing the MQTTHandler abstract class and registering it using the standard Service Loader mechanism (i.e. add it to resources/META-INF/services/org.openremote.manager.mqtt.MQTTHandler
). The custom handler can choose to intercept messages based on topic, user and/or whether it is a pub or sub request, see Javadoc of MQTTHandler
for more details.