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Linking to Active Directory

Keycloak is the identity manager provider for the OpenRemote platform. By default, it uses its own Database with the Roles defined in the code for start up.

It's also possible to hook up Keycloak with Active Directory and login with the users that come from AD. Getting the groups is also a possibility and applying the Keycloak roles to the groups.

To read more about Keycloak and LDAP please visit the Keycloak documentation page.


In the package you'll find the LDAPComponentBuilder class. This class is all you need to build a org.keycloak.representations.idm.ComponentRepresentation which will contain the config to let Keycloak communicate with the LDAP.

Importing users

When the users from AD are imported, the existing users in Keycloak will still be available. To make this possible, it's necessary to add a ComponentRepresentation to the Realm used for your application.


RealmResource realmResource = keycloakProvider.getRealms(accessToken).realm(tenant.getRealm());

ComponentRepresentation componentRepresentation = new LDAPComponentBuilder()

String ldapConfigId = keycloakProvider.addLDAPConfiguration(new ClientRequestInfo(null, accessToken), realmResource.toRepresentation().getRealm(), componentRepresentation);

The following page will explain about the test server used.


Don't forget to map the krb5.keytab file from the host to the Keycloak container.

Importing groups

It's possible to also sync the groups from AD to Keycloak and have the user's membership synced.

To import groups, see the following example:

ComponentRepresentation groupMapperComponentRepresentation = new LDAPComponentBuilder()

String mapperId = keycloakProvider.addLDAPMapper(new ClientRequestInfo(null, accessToken), realmResource.toRepresentation().getRealm(), groupMapperComponentRepresentation);

Adding Keycloak Roles to Groups

To have an user which is a member of a certain group to get the correct roles from Keycloak, we need to give the group the correct roles.


String clientId = getClientObjectId(realmResource.clients());//function to get the correct client id
RolesResource rolesResource = realmResource.clients().get(clientId).roles();

GroupsResource groupResource = realmResource.groups();
for (GroupRepresentation groupRepresentation : groupResource.groups()) {
if (groupRepresentation.getName().equals("Scientists")) {
} else if (groupRepresentation.getName().equals("Mathematicians")) {
} //etc...