Operations on gateways
📄️ Retrieve the gateway connection of a realm
Retrieve the gateway connection of a realm
📄️ Update the gateway connection of a realm
Update the gateway connection of a realm
📄️ Delete the gateway connection of a realm
Delete the gateway connection of a realm
📄️ Retrieve the gateway connections of all realms
Retrieve the gateway connections of all realms
📄️ Delete the gateway connections of multiple realms
Delete the gateway connections of multiple realms
📄️ Retrieve the gateway connection status of a realm
Retrieve the gateway connection status of a realm
📄️ Retrieve the gateway tunnel information of tunnel for a gateway in a realm
Retrieve the gateway tunnel information of tunnel for a gateway in a realm
📄️ Retrieve all active gateway tunnel information of a realm
Retrieve all active gateway tunnel information of a realm
📄️ Retrieve the active gateway tunnel information of gateway in a realm
Retrieve the active gateway tunnel information of gateway in a realm
📄️ Start a tunnel for a gateway
Start a tunnel for a gateway
📄️ Stop a tunnel for a gateway
Stop a tunnel for a gateway