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Version: 1.3.0


Connect to a HTTP(S) Server.

Agent configuration

The following describes the supported agent configuration attributes:

AttributeDescriptionValue typeRequired
baseURLServer base HTTP(S) URL; this is used as the base URL for all requests that go through this agentHTTP URLY
followRedirectsShould the agent follow any redirect responses (e.g. HTTP status code 3xx)BooleanN
requestHeadersHeaders to be added to all requests that go through this agentMultivalued Text MapN
requestQueryParametersQuery parameters to be added to all requests that go through this agentMultivalued Text MapN
requestTimeoutMillisRequest timeout for all requests that go through this agent (ms)IntegerN (Default = 10000

Example multivalued Text Map

"param1": [
"param2": [

For attributes linked to this agent, the following describes the supported agent link fields which are in addition to the standard Agent Link fields:

For clarification; to inject a body into an HTTP request, you can use the write value field.

FieldDescriptionValue typeRequired
typeAgent typeText (Must be HTTPAgentLink)Y
pathThe request path (appended to the baseURL defined on the agent)TextN
methodThe HTTP method used for the requestTextN (Default = GET)
headersHeaders to be added to this specific request (in addition to any requestHeaders defined on the agent)Multivalued Text MapN
queryParametersQuery parameters to be added to this specific request (in addition to any requestQueryParameters defined on the agent)Multivalued Text MapN
pollingMillisIndicates that a polling request should be made every (ms) to populate the attribute with the responseIntegerN
pagingModeEnables support for Link header for pagination see here for details; if this is enabled and the Link header is found then all pages are requested and combined before pushing through to the attributeBooleanN
contentTypeSets the Content-Type header (convenient alternative to using headersTextN (Default = text/plain)