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Version: 1.3.0

Gateway tunnelling setup

This guide describes the steps necessary to setup the gateway tunnelling functionality which allows remote access to edge gateways using SISH

Edge Instance Setup

SSH keys

  • mkdir -p deployment/sish/pubkeys deployment/sish/client deployment/sish/keys
  • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -f client
  • mv deployment/sish/pubkeys
  • mv client deployment/sish/client (this will be needed by the edge instances) - Optionally encrypt this file using gradle task
  • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -f server_key
  • mv server_key deployment/sish/keys

Docker envrionment variables

  • Set Keycloak container environment variables:
    • KC_HOSTNAME: This must be blank or completely removed (i.e. do not set this environment variable)
  • Set manager environment variables:
    • OR_GATEWAY_TUNNEL_SSH_KEY_FILE: <PATH_TO_PUBLIC_SISH_KEY> (/deployment/sish/client/cert)
    • OR_GATEWAY_TUNNEL_AUTO_CLOSE_MINUTES: <MINUTES> This optional variable can be set to automatically close tunnels after the specified number of minutes. When it is set to 0 (or not set) tunnels remain open until they are manually closed.

Central Instance Setup

  • Proxy container must be able to read/write Route53 DNS TXT record (see, this requires the instance to have the required permissions to the Route53 account where the DNS zone is hosted, if the hosted zone is in the same account as the EC2 instance then the standard ec2-access IAM profile that is attached to all our EC2 instances already contains the required permissions so no action is needed, alternatively if the hosted zone is in a different account to the EC2 instance then it is important that the EC2 instance cloudformation template parameter DNSHostedZoneRoleArn was correctly set, this will then get set as AWS_ROUTE53_ROLE in /etc/environment and the proxy container will output this to ~/.aws/config during startup which will allow the plugin to assume that role for Route53 calls. The AWS_ROUTE53_ROLE can alternatively be defined via env file or within the docker compose file itself (NOTE: this role must be assumable by the ec2-access policy)
  • Set DOMAINNAMES to include wildcard certificate e.g. *
  • Add wildcard DNS A/AAAA record(s) e.g. *
  • Uncomment/add sish service in Docker Compose profile
  • Set SISH_HOST and SISH_PORT on proxy container
  • Set OR_GATEWAY_TUNNEL* environment variables on manager container
  • Set TCP port range in sish service (to allow raw TCP tunnelling)
  • Allow inbound access to port 2222 and to the TCP port range exposed on the instance
  • Generate or select existing SSH private key and add this to the deployment image and set SISH variable: --private-keys-directory