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Version: 1.3.0

Retrieve the available value descriptors



Retrieve the available value descriptors


Query Parameters

    parentId string

Header Parameters

    Authorization string
    X-Forwarded-Proto string
    X-Forwarded-Host string


default response


    property name*


    name string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^\w+(\[\])?$



  • Array [

  • message string
    type stringrequired
  • ]

  • format


    useGrouping boolean
    minimumIntegerDigits int32
    minimumFractionDigits int32
    maximumFractionDigits int32
    minimumSignificantDigits int32
    maximumSignificantDigits int32
    asBoolean boolean
    asDate boolean
    asSlider boolean
    resolution number
    dateStyle string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    timeStyle string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    dayPeriod string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    hour12 boolean
    iso8601 boolean
    weekday string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    era string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    year string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    month string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    week string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    day string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    hour string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    minute string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    second string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    fractionalSecondDigits int32
    timeZoneName string

    Possible values: [numeric, 2-digit, full, long, medium, short, narrow]

    momentJsFormat string
    asNumber boolean
    asOnOff boolean
    asPressedReleased boolean
    asOpenClosed boolean
    asMomentary boolean
    multiline boolean
    units string[]
    arrayDimensions int32
    metaUseOnly boolean
    jsonType string