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Creating a custom project


We have a repo which can be used as a template for a custom project; simply clone the custom-project repo and start adding your custom code; see the Endpoints and file paths documentation to understand how to override the various parts of the system.

What is a custom project

A custom project is a way of extending OpenRemote to provide custom functionality without modifying the main OpenRemote code, thus the custom code can be separately version controlled possibly in a private repo. Possible use cases:

  • Custom protocols (to interface with some service/device in a customized way)
  • Custom setup code (to automatically provision realms, users, assets, rules, etc. during a clean install)
  • Custom asset types
  • Custom Docker Compose profiles
  • Custom UI apps
  • Custom Android/iOS consoles

The guide consists of the following sections and you will need to have a working environment in order to build, test etc. (please refer to the documentation for further details):

Project Structure

It is recommended to put custom project code in directory/module called deployment this can then be built as a Docker image and used as a Docker volume to map into our manager and keycloak containers to override/enhance their behaviour; if there is a large amount of code then multiple directories/modules might be desired to logically separate the code, in this case it is advised to follow the same naming convention as the main OpenRemote repo and to ensure the gradle build installDist task is configured in order to copy the compiled code into the deployment build directory in preparation for building the deployment Docker image.

OpenRemote Dependencies

Depending on what parts of the OpenRemote system are being customized will determine the code dependencies on the main OpenRemote code base.

A custom project always depends on the following released OpenRemote artefacts:

The Release Management documentation describes how to update the OpenRemote version of these artefacts.

Custom Project Template

The custom-project repo acts as a template for a custom project that uses the OpenRemote dependencies; you can clone this repo as a starting point for a new custom project, the layout of this repo is as follows:

  • /deployment - Directory/module for custom code/files
  • /gradle - Gradle files
  • .gitignore - Typical .gitignore file to exclude common build related files/directories (also excluded *.mbtiles as these can be very large binary files not suitable for a git repo)
  • gradlew/gradlew.bat - Gradle wrapper execution script
  • build.gradle - Gradle root project build config
  • - Gradle properties file
  • settings.gradle - Gradle multi project config
  • LICENSE.txt - Copy of LICENSE.txt from main OpenRemote repo

Deployment directory/module

This module is used to generate a deployment Docker image which can be volume mapped into the manager and/or Keycloak containers to customize their behaviour. The installDist Gradle task of this module will generate output in the /deployment/build directory in particular:

  • /deployment/build/image - Content to be added to the deployment Docker image at /deployment
  • /deployment/build/Dockerfile - Docker build file used to build deployment Docker image (copied from /deployment during installDist)

Adding new modules

Create directory with appropriate name and copy /deployment/build.gradle into it, customize this new build.gradle as required and start adding your code/files, ensuring that the installDist Gradle task copies any output into the appropriate location within the deployment Docker image build directory (see the Manager endpoints and file paths).

Adding UI apps/components

It is recommended to use the same directory layout as found in the openremote repository, and add additional UI code in the ui directory. Our UI code uses yarn workspaces so you can add any additional workspace paths to the package.json file in the root directory of the custom project.

Custom Keycloak themes

It's possible to provide custom Keycloak themes see custom-project for details.

Setup code

Custom setup code allows for programmatic configuration of a clean installation including the provisioning of Agents, Assets, users, rules, etc. This means that the system loads in a pre-configured state that can easily be reproduced after a clean install. Setup code is executed via the SetupService and is only executed if the OR_SETUP_RUN_ON_RESTART environment variable is set to true or if the database that the instance uses is empty.

To write custom setup code then you need to create implementations of SetupTasks these are then discovered using the standard java ServiceLoader mechanism and must therefore be registered via META-INF/services mechanism, generally implementations should extend the EmptySetupTasks which will do basic configuration of keycloak which is essential, see custom-project for details.